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      Why We Exist

      At Molly & Co. our mission is to inspire humans to give dogs their best life. We strongly believe that dogs should be treated as family because dogs make us more human. They make us laugh, they comfort us, they listen, they are kind and compassionate, and they probably love us more than they love themselves. All dogs deserve a family, quality of life, and lots of love.

      About Molly & Co.

      Inspired by our funny, stubborn, and happy fur-child Molly, we created a beautiful, colorful, and high-quality brand that reflects how much we love our dogs. Each design that we launch is the result of endless hours of work. All pattern designs are digitally hand drawn and exclusive designs of Molly & Co. We obsess about every single detail – from the selection of hardware and fabric materials down to the packaging design. We are committed to creating trendy, chic, and durable products that your pup will enjoy (and rock, of course) as much as you.

      Founded in 2021, Molly & Co. is a small business proudly based in Puerto Rico. We love to connect with humans that feel the same love for their fur-children, so do not hesitate to contact us for any reason.

      Also, it is extremely satisfying to see all kinds of dogs wearing Molly & Co. designs so please share and tag us on social media @shopmollyandco and, if you absolutely love our products like we do, use #LovingMollyandCo to be featured!

      About the Founder

      Ever since I can remember, I love dogs – small dogs, big dogs, stray dogs, fluffy dogs, all kinds of dogs. I am amazed by their loyalty, levels of excitement, goofiness, and their unconditional love towards humans. Dogs will never judge you and that’s what makes them so special and pure.

      As a Marketing graduate who comes from an artsy, creative, and entrepreneurial family, it has been a while since I wanted to create a business that involved design and, of course, dogs. Finding beautifully designed accessories for both of my fur-childs, Maggie and Molly, has always been a challenge. So, I decided to mix my love for dogs and art and Molly & Co. was born.

      The name “Molly & Co.” is inspired by my five-year old shih tzu “Molly”, the funniest and loveliest dog I’ve ever had, and “& Co.” belongs to my rescue fur-child Maggie, the kindest and loyalist, and to all dogs out there that are part of this great community.   

      Both of my dogs are my children and I believe that every dog deserves a family that treats them with the same love and respect that I treat my dogs.

      Thank you for helping me do what I love every day.

      With love, 

      Mariely, Maggie & Molly